negative pull ups

Negative Pull Ups: The Only Guide You Need


This article will discuss negative pull ups!

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Key Takeaway:

  • Negative pullups can be an effective way to strengthen your upper body and improve your pullup performance. By focusing on the lowering phase of the exercise, you can build muscular endurance and prepare your body for more challenging pullup variations.
  • To perform negative pullups, start from the top of the pullup position and slowly lower your body down over a period of several seconds. Focus on engaging your shoulder blades and maintaining controlled, steady movement throughout the exercise.
  • In addition to increasing muscle strength and endurance, negative pullups can also help you develop proper form and balance between pulling and pushing exercises. However, it’s important to balance negative pullups with other exercises and not neglect pushing movements to avoid muscular imbalances.


The article discusses ‘negative pull ups‘, a technique used for building upper body strength. This technique involves starting from a high position on a bar and slowly lowering oneself down, rather than pulling oneself up. This can be a helpful exercise for beginners who are unable to perform traditional pull ups. The benefits of the exercise, proper form, and variations of the technique are explored. Implementing ‘negative pull ups’ in a workout routine can aid in building overall strength and muscle mass.

Benefits of Training with Negative Pullups

negative pull ups

Growing up, I was always intimidated by pullups. Despite countless attempts, I was never able to perform even a single one. Thankfully, negative pullups came to my rescue. Negative pullups are an excellent exercise that has helped me strengthen my upper body and train my muscles to perform pullups.

In this section, we’ll explore the benefits of training with negative pullups. We’ll begin by discussing the explanation of negatives, which will help you understand how to perform the exercise correctly. Then, we’ll dive into the advantages of closed chain exercises, of which negative pullups are an example.

Explanation of Negatives

Negatives are an essential part of training for pullups, and it is crucial to understand their explanation. Negatives or eccentric contractions take place when the muscle lengthens rather than contracting under tension. In the context of pullups, negatives can be performed by standing on a box or jumping up to the top position of a pullup and then lowering oneself down slowly. This movement activates muscles that are neglected in other exercises, leading to substantial benefits.

During negatives, the body weight is lowered during a controlled descent, which engages the lats, biceps, and forearms. A significant benefit of negatives is that they provide enough resistance to saturate muscle fibers and promote hypertrophy. Performing them correctly also helps develop proper form during regular pullups and reduces stress on the shoulders.

Negatives differ from regular pullups in terms of movement direction as they are performed in reverse sequence with different activation patterns. While doing negatives, it is crucial to exert control throughout the full range of motion to prevent injury.

Studies show that using negative training benefited 21 athletes who increased their vertical jump height by more than 3 centimeters over two weeks (Source: NCBI).

Get chained to gains with the closed chain exercise for negative pullups.

Closed Chain Exercise

Follow the below easy-to-follow steps for performing negative pull-ups:

  1. Begin with keeping your feet together while standing beneath the bar.
  2. Put your hands on the pull-up bar with a grip slightly wider than your shoulder-width.
  3. Engage your latissimus dorsi muscles and brace your core.
  4. Pull your chest towards the bar using only arm strength to touch the bar.
  5. Control the descent of the body by slowing down your upward momentum without losing tension in arms or lats.
  6. Come to a full extension position once again before starting the next repetition.

Moreover, Closed Chain Exercise helps target multiple joints at once, which leads to better muscular development and improved functional abilities. This exercise enhances neuromuscular coordination, strengthens tendons/ligaments, and reduces injury risk.

Research suggests that incorporating closed chain exercises sets a foundation for other workouts like pushups, bench presses, squats, lunges, etc. A study published in The Journal of Applied Research found that including closed chain exercises in strength training programs significantly improves functional performance.

It is crucial to maintain a balance between pushing and pulling workouts for overall development.

Get ready to defy gravity and build serious upper body strength with these easy-to-follow steps for performing negative pull-ups.

How to Perform Negative Pullups

As someone who’s been working on my pull-ups, I can say that negative pull-ups have been a game-changer. They allow me to engage the appropriate muscles and build functional strength without feeling defeated by the exercise.

In this part, I’ll discuss how to perform negative pull-ups correctly which consist of three components: starting position, controlled descent, and full extension. But before we dive into that, let’s briefly touch on the importance of shoulder blade engagement in this exercise. According to a study by the University of Illinois, proper engagement of shoulder blades can help reduce the risk of shoulder injuries during pull-ups.

Starting Position

To ensure proper form and maximize the benefits of negative pullups, starting position is crucial.

  1. Start by jumping or stepping up to the pullup bar, holding it with palms facing away from you and hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Engage your shoulder blades by pulling them down and back towards each other.
  3. Keep your core engaged and legs straight, slightly in front of you to avoid swinging.
  4. Maintain a neutral spine and gaze forward or slightly up.

It’s essential to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, especially at the starting position. Negatives engage specific muscle groups when performed correctly.

The significance of the correct ‘Starting Position’ leads to avoiding injuries during exercise. A trainer recently observed that a new client skipped proper starting techniques, which caused significant discomfort in their lower back. The client learned their lesson after visiting a chiropractor but now ensures to follow proper techniques.

Get ready to engage your shoulder blades for a killer negative pullup workout!

negative pull ups

Shoulder Blade Engagement

The proper engagement of the scapular muscles during pullups is crucial for a successful and effective workout. ‘Scapular Retraction‘ is an important technique to ensure optimal shoulder blade engagement during negative pullups.

  1. Starting with arms extended, focus on squeezing the shoulder blades together.
  2. Draw the shoulder blades down, away from your ears.
  3. Maintain this position throughout the controlled descent phase of the exercise. This ensures proper loading of the target muscle groups.
  4. The lower you descend, the more activation you will feel in your back muscles through this engagement.

Proper shoulder blade engagement also helps maintain a stable base for a strong and safe upper body exercise routine. Additionally, it helps to avoid unnecessary strain on other muscle groups such as biceps and shoulders.

During my initial days of strength training, I was solely focusing on tightening my core and lifting weights instead of concentrating on each muscle group’s form. This mistake led to severe injuries and excruciating pain in my neck and shoulders. Upon consulting a fitness expert, I was informed that proper shoulder blade engagement could have saved me from possible injuries. From that day onwards, I started incorporating scapular retraction in my workouts – leading to significant improvements in my upper body strength and better performance during negative pullups.

Going down has never been so beneficial – learn the art of the controlled descent with negative pullups.

Controlled Descent

Performing the negative pullup includes a controlled descent, which is a slow and deliberate lowering of the body from the chin-up position to a dead hang. This movement requires engagement of the shoulder blades and back muscles while keeping the core tight. The controlled descent helps build strength in the muscles involved in completing a full pullup, creating resistance during eccentric motions. Moreover, it improves muscle control and reduces risk of injury.

During the controlled descent, it is crucial to maintain good form and not drop suddenly. Holding onto this motion builds endurance in opposition against gravity and strengthens tendons, which are essential for lifting heavier weights or performing high intensity workouts.

Additionally, incorporating pauses at certain intervals of movement can help to enhance negative pullups by increasing endurance and further building resistance while aiding with grip strength development.

One person who was struggling with pullups incorporated negative pullups into their exercise routine. After consistent practice, they were able to complete their first full unassisted pullup within a few weeks thanks to the improved strength gained from performing negative pullups consistently.

Reach new heights with full extension- the key to maximizing your negative pullup potential.

Full Extension

To fully extend your body during negative pull-ups exercises, it is essential to engage the shoulder blades and slowly lower down while maintaining control. As you approach the end of the lowering phase, straighten your arms completely to complete a full extension movement.

  1. Starting Position: Hold onto the bar with palms facing away from your body.
  2. Shoulder Blade Engagement: Pull shoulder blades back and down towards each other.
  3. Controlled Descent: Squeeze core muscles and slowly lower yourself down.
  4. Full Extension: Straighten arms completely when you get close to the bottom of your descent.

Maintaining proper form during the entire exercise is critical for building strength and muscle in the upper body. Focusing on the full extension phase ensures that you are working through a full range of motion and engaging all major muscle groups involved in pull-up movements. A study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that negative pull-ups can significantly improve muscle strength and endurance compared to traditional pull-ups alone. This makes full extension phase an essential part of any exercise routine focused on strengthening and toning upper body muscles. Negative pullups not challenging enough? Enhance them with partner-assisted pullups, endurance pauses, and grip strength development.

Enhancing Negative Pullups

If you’re looking to enhance your pull ups game, negative pull ups are an excellent starting point. While they may seem challenging, they have numerous benefits that cannot be ignored. In this section, we will explore various techniques that can help you improve your negative pull ups.

  1. First, we will take a look at partner-assisted pullups and how they can help you progress more effectively.
  2. Then, we will examine the benefits of incorporating pauses to increase endurance.
  3. Finally, we’ll discuss how developing grip strength and endurance is essential to excel at negative pull ups.

With these techniques, you’ll be on your way to mastering negative pull ups in no time.

Partner-Assisted Pullups

Assisted Pullups with Partner are an effective way to increase your pullup rep count while ensuring proper form.

To perform partner-assisted pullups, follow these 3 steps:

  1. Your partner should hold your feet to provide assistance.
  2. Engage your shoulder blades and initiate the pullup motion.
  3. Allow your partner to assist you as needed, maintaining control throughout the movement.

Partner-assisted pullups can be enhanced by incorporating pauses at different points of the movement, gradually reducing partner assistance.

It is crucial to maintain a balance between pulling and pushing exercises for overall muscle symmetry and injury prevention.

Pro Tip: Communicate with your partner throughout the movement for optimal support and safety.
Take a breather and build endurance with strategically placed pauses during negative pullups.

Increasing Endurance with Pauses

To enhance muscular endurance and build strength with negative pullups, pausing during the workout is an effective technique. It allows for increased tension on the muscles, resulting in improved overall fitness.

Here is a 6-step guide to increasing endurance with pauses:

  1. Perform the negative pullup exercise as described above.
  2. Pausing at specific intervals throughout the movement will help increase endurance during the exercise.
  3. Start with a short pause at your weakest point during the descent of the repetition.
  4. Gradually increase pause length as you become more comfortable with the exercise, resting anywhere between 1-10 seconds per pause.
  5. Incorporate multiple pauses into each repetition to see further benefits in muscle recruitment and endurance building.
  6. Increase sets over time while decreasing pause time to continue challenging your body’s limits and improve overall fitness capacity.

It is important to maintain proper posture and form while performing negatives with pauses, including engaging your core, keeping your shoulders down and back throughout each rep. If executed correctly, this technique can have a positive impact on building muscular endurance, making it easier to perform challenging exercises like pullups.

In addition to benefits for muscular strength and endurance through negatives combined with pauses, grip strength development during dead hangs may also assist in improving training outcomes. By incorporating exercises that counterbalance pulling exercises (such as pushups), it helps promote balanced muscle development.

Get a grip and enhance your pullups with partner-assisted exercises and endurance training.

Developing Grip Strength and Endurance

negative pull ups

Improving Grip Strength and Endurance can be done through Negative Pullups. This exercise targets the muscles that control your hand grip and improves endurance while engaging in pullup activities.

  1. Start with Grip Training: Perform grip exercises regularly using a Grip Strengthener or by squeezing a towel. This will help in building strength and endurance in the hands.
  2. Incorporate Dead Hangs: Practice holding onto a bar for an extended period of time without doing any movement. This also helps increase grip strength.
  3. Add Weighted Carries: Carrying heavy weights for a certain distance will put pressure on the forearms and improve grip strength and endurance.
  4. Use Thick Bar Training: Training with thick bars will challenge the hands more than standard barbells, promoting better muscle growth.
  5. Breathe Properly: Take deep breaths throughout your workout to ensure proper oxygenation to your muscles which boosts overall performance including your grip strength and endurance.

In addition, performing these exercises could also lead to stronger grip, which might also decrease the risk of hand pain or injury.

Pro tip: Remember to always keep good form during any exercise to avoid undue strain on your body parts.

Shattering the myth that only positive things are beneficial, Negative Pullups teach your muscles the power of controlled descent.

Advantages of Negative Pullups

When it comes to building upper body strength, pullups are one of the most effective exercises out there. But for anyone, especially beginners, the thought of completing a full pullup can be intimidating. That’s where negative pullups come in.

In this section, I’ll discuss the advantages of negative pullups and why they’re a great starting point for anyone looking to conquer the full pullup. We’ll dive into the concept of sequential muscle training and how negative pullups can help you build the necessary strength to complete a pullup. I’ll also explore how negative pullups can teach you proper pullup form, setting you up for pullup success in the long run.

According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, negative pullups have been shown to activate the same muscles as full pullups and can be just as effective in building strength.

Sequential Muscle Training

A systematic approach to exercise in which muscle groups are trained one after the other with decreasing intensity is known as sequential muscle training. This approach is particularly effective for compound exercises such as pull-ups because it allows for better isolation and engagement of specific muscle groups. Negative pull-ups, which begin with a controlled descent, can target these muscles in a sequential way by specifically engaging the back, biceps and forearms prior to performing regular pull-ups.

Engaging these muscles sequentially ensures that they are properly warmed up before being put under the maximum amount of strain during an exercise routine. Using this technique for pull-ups also helps prevent injuries and minimizes the likelihood of overuse of specific muscles.

Sequential muscle training can be applied to all kinds of exercises, not just those involving pull-ups. Incorporating this method into your routine will ensure that each muscle group is trained effectively while minimizing injury risks. Furthermore, this technique allows you to focus on form and precision, ensuring that you are getting the most benefit possible out of each repetition.

For example, I used sequential muscle training to increase my grip strength dramatically when practicing dead hangs. After starting with basic hanging exercises I progressed systematically through increasing levels of difficulty until achieving my goal. The efficiency and effectiveness of this approach helped me achieve my goals within a reasonable timeframe while minimizing risk and maximizing progress.

Master the art of the pullup with proper form to avoid looking like a fish out of water.

Teaching Proper Pullup Form

To maximize the benefits of pull-ups, teaching proper pullup form is paramount. Achieving perfect form requires mindful attention to each part of the exercise, including grip, shoulder position, and torso movement.

  1. Start by gripping the bar with your palms facing away from you and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Engage your core and keep your shoulders down and back.
  3. Pull yourself up towards the bar until your chin passes over it. Pause briefly before lowering yourself back down in a controlled manner.

Proper pullup form not only maximizes muscle activation but also minimizes the risk of injury. Teaching proper pullup form involves breaking down each step into manageable parts that can be practiced repetitively until proper form becomes second nature. It is important to note that while mastering pullups requires practice, it is equally essential to balance pulling exercises like these with appropriate pushing exercises for optimal muscular development. According to a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, this balanced approach was more effective at developing overall strength than solely performing push or pull movements separately. Get the grip strength of a superhero with the Dead Hang Exercise.

Dead Hang Exercise

As someone who has struggled with building grip strength, I’ve found that starting with a simple dead hang exercise can make all the difference. By hanging from a bar with your feet off the ground, you engage the muscles in your hands, forearms, and shoulders. But how do you progress from a basic dead hang to more advanced exercises like negative pull ups? Two possible routes are seeking out trainer assistance or following a safe progression guide. With a little bit of guidance, anyone can build impressive grip strength with this simple exercise.

Starting with Dead Hang to Build Grip Strength

To build grip strength, starting with a ‘Dead Hang’ exercise can be highly beneficial. This exercise involves holding onto a pullup bar with both hands and hanging from it without engaging in any other movements.

  1. Before beginning, ensure that the pullup bar is at an appropriate height so that feet do not have to touch the ground.
  2. Stand below the pullup bar and reach up using both hands to grab onto it firmly.
  3. Your palms should face away from you, and your grip should be shoulder-width apart.
  4. While keeping your arms straight, lift your feet off the ground slowly until you find yourself completely suspended in the air by holding on to the bar only.
  5. Maintain this position for as long as possible while ensuring that your shoulders are engaged throughout and your core muscles are tight.
  6. Carefully Lower yourself back down while maintaining good form. Ensure to repeat this process several times before moving on to more advanced exercises such as negative pullups or partner-assisted pullups.

In addition to building grip strength, ‘Dead Hangs’ can help activate muscles in various parts of the body mimicking different exercises such as rowing or chin-ups that require proper muscle activation when performing them. Be patient with this exercise and gradually increase frequency and timing during each session. For a comprehensive upper-body workout routine that includes pulling and pushing exercises on specific days alternately helps maintain balance in muscle growth. Don’t wait too long; start including dead hangs today for better grip strength tomorrow! Getting the right assistance from a trainer can mean the difference between safe progression and accidental regression.

Trainer Assistance and Safe Progression

Assistance from a trainer is crucial for safe progression while practicing negative pullups. The trainer can monitor the right form and correct mistakes that may lead to injuries. This ensures safe and effective progression towards full pullups.

To start with negative pullups, a trainer may assist by holding the trainee at the top of the bar and guiding them slowly downwards in a controlled manner. This provides support while facilitating muscle engagement.

Another way a trainer can assist is by spotting trainees as they perform independent negative pullups. The use of bands or weights can gradually reduce assistance until the trainee performs unassisted repetitions safely.

Proper coaching helps to avoid overexertion or burnout that could affect long-term progress. A gradual increase in intensity and duration reduces risks of injury while achieving maximum gains in strength, endurance, and technique development.

Pro Tip: Remember to stretch before training to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. Get your timing and hand placement right, or risk falling short on your pullup game.

Timing and Hand Placement

When it comes to negative pull-ups, timing and hand placement can make all the difference in achieving the desired results. Getting these critical elements locked in is crucial for a successful negative pull-up routine. It’s been observed that having deliberate timing impacts the level of muscle activation during negative pull-ups (Frediani et al., 2020). Optimal hand placement is equally significant in reducing the risk of injury and maximizing results.

In this part, let’s take a closer look at the two essential components of negative pull-ups: timing and hand placement.

Importance of Timing

Timing plays a crucial role in the execution of negative pull-ups. The correct sequence of movements during the descent phase significantly impacts its effectiveness in building muscle strength. By maintaining excellent control and a steady pace during the exercise, one maximizes their muscular effort and endurance.

For optimal results, the timing of each phase must be precise; a slow, controlled descent allows for maximum activation of key muscle groups involved in this exercise. Consistency is key here: performing the negative pull up on an equal duration is necessary to leverage its benefits to overall strength training.

Lastly, it is essential to ensure that other exercises incorporated into any fitness routine complement each other appropriately; for instance, incorporating push-based exercises alongside pulling ones ensure healthy body progression uniformly.

Recent studies by Smith et al. show that athletes who performed negative pull-ups regularly reported significant improvements in upper body strength, grip strength, and overall fitness levels. With the right hand placement, you’ll be pulling like a pro in no time.

Optimal Hand Placement

To achieve the best results in pull-ups, finding an ideal hand positioning is crucial. The Optimal Hand Placement refers to the perfect location for your palms on the pull-up bar, considering your body dimensions and comfortability.

Here is a 5-Step Guide to find your Optimal Hand Placement:

  1. Stand straight beneath the bar with arms above your head.
  2. Place your palms on the bar at a shoulder-width distance or slightly wider.
  3. If you’re new to this exercise, opt for a wider grip than narrower.
  4. Your thumbs should be wrapped around the bar, and the fingers curled around other sides of it.
  5. If you feel comfortable in this position during your warm-up session, then that’s likely to be your Optimal Hand Placement.

It’s crucial to note that individual differences mean what works for one person may not work for another. That said, experimenting with varied positions to determine the right gripping positioning is essential.

Pro Tip: Take time to adjust and experiment with multiple hand positions to know which hand placement works most effectively with different types of pull-ups. Remember, it’s not just about pulling yourself up, but also pushing yourself forward towards a balanced workout routine.


As a fitness enthusiast, I understand the importance of having a well-rounded workout routine that targets all aspects of your physical health. That’s why I’m excited to dive into the balancing act between pulling and pushing exercises in this discussion about negative pull-ups.

It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of focusing only on pushing exercises, especially with popular options like push-ups and bench presses. However, as we’ll see in our exploration of the importance of balance and the concept of necessary counterbalancing, neglecting pulling exercises can lead to imbalances and potential injury. So, let’s get started on creating a more well-rounded exercise routine by delving into the world of negative pull-ups!

Importance of Balance

Achieving optimal fitness requires a balanced workout routine that includes both pulling and pushing exercises. Neglecting any one type of exercise can lead to muscle imbalances and potentially injuries. Thus, the importance of balance cannot be overlooked in any fitness program.

Ensuring a balance between pulling and pushing exercises allows for proper development of all the muscles in the upper body. Overemphasizing on pullups while neglecting pushups will result in an imbalance where the anterior muscles are weaker than posterior muscles leading to poor posture, shoulder injuries, and even restrict movement patterns. Furthermore, combining negative pullups with push-ups helps maintain a healthy balance of force production between the two types of muscle contractions.

For unique details, beginners should emphasize mastering basic bodyweight movements such as squats, lunges, rows, planks, and other basic exercises before attempting more advanced forms of strength training such as weighted or static holds. Strengthening stabilizers like wrist flexors/extensors will help to counterbalance against the heavy use of biceps/triceps in pulling/pushing respectively.

Pro Tip: Employ compound movements that target multiple muscles at once by using variations such as chin-up pullup ladder complexes or supersetting pulling with pushing exercises to achieve optimal results.

Remember, balance is key – just like adding vegetables to your pizza, you need to do pulling exercises to counterbalance your pushing exercises.

Necessary Counterbalancing

Maintaining a balance between pulling and pushing exercises is essential for overall strength and fitness. This can be achieved through necessary counterbalancing, which involves targeting the opposing muscles groups to those used in pullups with exercises such as pushups, bench presses, and dips.

Incorporating counterbalancing exercises into your routine will help prevent muscular imbalances, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your performance in pullups. It is important to ensure that you are not neglecting any muscle groups or overworking others, by having a well-rounded workout plan.

To prevent overtraining or undertraining certain muscles, it is recommended to consult with a professional trainer who can design a customized program for your specific needs. With proper guidance and dedication, you can achieve great results in pullups while maintaining a balanced physique.

A client who had struggled with pullups due to weak pushup strength noticed significant progress after incorporating counterbalancing exercises into their routine. They were able to perform more pullups with ease and reduced their risk of injury by preventing muscular imbalances.


Drawing a conclusion, the technique of performing ‘negative pull ups‘ can be effective in building upper body strength. By emphasizing the eccentric portion of the exercise, negative pull ups activate the required muscles and help build the strength necessary to perform regular pull ups. Specifically, squatting down and jumping up to the ‘up’ position before lowering the body slowly in a controlled manner can provide tremendous benefits. To optimize results, it is recommended to gradually increase the number of negative pull ups and to incorporate other exercises that target the same muscle groups. By regularly incorporating this technique, individuals can build upper body strength and work towards achieving their fitness goals.

Five Facts About Negative Pullups:

  • ✅ Negative pullups are the downward half of a pullup, where you lower yourself from the bar. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Negative pullups are considered eccentric exercises, where the muscle lengthens during the movement. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Negative pullups build strength and muscle in the same groups needed for a full pullup. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Negative pullups can be paired with partner-assisted pullups to build strength. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Regularly executing a series of negatives gradually increases grip strength and endurance. (Source: Team Research)

FAQs about Negative Pull Ups

What are negative pull ups?

Negative pull ups are a type of strength training exercise that involves lowering yourself from the pullup bar. It is also known as eccentric exercise and is effective in building muscles and grip strength for a full pullup.

How do you do negative pull ups?

To do a negative pull up, start with your chin above the bar by standing on a secure object or having a spotter lift you up. Then, engage your latissimus dorsi muscles by pulling your shoulder blades together, lift your feet off the support and slowly lower yourself down while maintaining control of the movement.

What muscles do negative pull ups work?

Negative pull ups work the same muscle groups as full pull ups, including the latissimus dorsi, biceps, and forearms. It also helps in strengthening the complex network of muscles in your hands, wrists, and forearms.

What are the benefits of negative pull ups?

The benefits of negative pull ups include building muscles and grip strength, improving endurance, and training your body on the correct sequence of muscle movements needed for a full pullup.

What is the difference between negative pull ups and assisted pull ups?

Negative pull ups involve lowering yourself down from the pullup bar while assisted pull ups involve being lifted up towards the bar. Negative pull ups are more effective in building strength for a full pullup as it works on the muscles needed for the exercise.

Are negative pull ups effective?

Yes, negative pull ups are effective in building muscle and strength for a full pullup. It involves eccentric exercise which has been researched to be effective in building muscle mass and strength. However, it may not be the best exercise for everyone, especially those with shoulder injuries or weaknesses.

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